Saturday 19th July
(Convener: Ex-Kelso Laddie Graham Sweenie. Vice Convener: Miss Jane Fairley)
Fancy Dress Parades have taken place in Kelso dating back to well before Civic Week
started in 1937. These parades were organised at that time to attract people from the
surrounding area and create business for the local shops in the town.
Our current parades are now organised by the Kelso Laddies Association, but it is you,
the public, that make up the parade itself with your walking and float entries.
Please keep this up as without you we have no parade for the public to see.
The Kelso Laddies Association would like to thank Phil Stewart (Builders) for their
continued sponsorship of this parade.
All pedestrians are asked to be in place for judging in the Tait Hall at 6.15 pm prompt
for Judging at 6.30 pm. (The Hall will be closed to all spectators during Judging).
Individual – (4 Age Groups) 5 and Under;
6 – 8; 9 – 11 and 12 – 16
Couples – (2 Age Groups) 7 and Under and 8 – 16
Groups – All ages
Prams / Cycles – All ages
Horse / Pony – All ages
Prams / Cycles
Horses / Ponies
For each of the above 14 classes there will be prizes to the value of:
1st £10.00, 2nd £7.50, 3rd £5.00
All vehicle entries should assemble at East Bowmont Street car park by 6.15 pm to be
in place for Judging at 6.30 pm prompt.
Due to the restriction in space all smaller entries will be guided into the car park, longer
floats and large lorries will remain on the street as advised by the stewards.
Each float entry will be awarded a payment as follows:
Small vehicle £25, Car/Tractor and Trailer £30, Lorry/Large Float £40
Prizes will be awarded to:
Most Original – £30, Best Decorated Vehicle – £30, Best Dressed Team – £30
Overall winner will receive £30 and the Neve Trophy.
Best dressed village lorry will receive the Keith Riddell Memorial Cup.
(The best lorry entry could get £100!)
If you are a member of a club, social club or even just a bunch of friends, get together and
come up with an idea and join in the parade and have some fun entertaining the crowds.
Ask those that have been in the parade, “It is great fun to take part in” they will tell you.
If you need help getting a vehicle, just give our convener a ring, he has vehicles of
various sizes available, including tractors and trailers and car trailers.
The procession will be led off by the Kelso Laddie at 7.00 pm.
The route will travel via Rose Lane, Abbey Row, Bridge Street, The Square, Roxburgh
Street, Winchester Row, (Floats will travel to the top of Roxburgh Street and down
Bowmont Street).
The parade will reform in Bowmont Street and continue to Horsemarket and return to
The Square and disperse, with the exception of the overall winning float which should
remain in The Square as guided by the stewards, for the presentation of cups.