2022 Kelso Civic Week
Kelso Principals

Left Hand Man
Sean Hook

2022 Kelso Laddie
Callum Davidson

Right Hand Man
Mark Henderson

Lady Bussers from Broomland's Primary
Scarlett Forsyth & Skylar Nicolson
Lady Bussers from Edenside Primary
Eden Hewit & Melissa Paxton
1997 Kelso Laddie - David Stewart
When David was asked what was his highlights of his year as Kelso Laddie, he found it difficult to condense it, but here's what he has to say.
"My highlights of that year are so difficult to pick out because the whole summer just passed in a blur as there was so much going on.
The declaration night was a great night and also a relief, from being supremely nervous all day to finally being announced in The Square and the subsequent relief of being able to discuss being chosen as Kelso Laddie with everyone without trying to keep it a secret."
David continued - "Civic Week itself was an unbelievably busy week with the highlights being, coming back into the town from the Stichill, Hume and Ednam ride with the pipe band playing and the streets busy with people getting ready for the Rider's Social which was a huge night and then later on getting carried into the Rider's Social to an awesome atmosphere.
The colour bussing on the Wednesday night was amazing and although very nervous, it was a privilege to be trusted with the Burgh Standard and to carry out the Bussing Ceremony in the beautiful surroundings of Kelso Square.
The rest of the week is a complete blur as it just passes you by so quickly but the Yetholm Ride was a great day, the sun came out that day for about the first time that week and the whole day just had a great atmosphere from the Square in the morning, to being at Yetholm, to returning home and then the parade at night, it was just a thoroughly enjoyable day. Then it was all over and you suddenly wondered where the week had gone."

1972 Kelso Laddie - Derek Hall
Celebrating 50 years since his declaration in the town square, Derek said he is looking forward to meeting up with other principals from 1972, as well as helping Jimmy Hinnigan and Denis Poloczek celebrate as their jubilee celebrations were thwarted by the dreaded Covid.
"My Lady bussers were FIONA MCLEOD, ANNE DARLING, CECILIA ROSIEJAK and CAROLE KERR. I would say my highlights as KL were:
Representing my home town during Civic Week and attending the other Border Festivals to meet their principals. Kelso Yetholm ride on a very hot Thursday. Wash and brush up at Elizabeth hairdressers before attending the Ball. Spittal trip, loved by youngsters of the town. Fantastic atmosphere and support from the people of Kelso during Civic Week. Greeting Dinner, an emotional night to finish the week."
Both Derek and David congratulate Callum on his election as Kelso Laddie 2022
"We hope he enjoys his Civic Week and a summer of making memories and friendships that last a lifetime."

2022 Kelso Civic Week Programme
156 pages of pure interest and facts about our Civic Week
plus full details and programme of events for 2022.
Stocked by the following businesses:
Hector Innes, Browns Newsagents, Kelso Swimming Pool,
Swans Shoes, Gorgeous Hair Studio, Sparkle & Gifted
W H Smith, or contact our Secretary.